


– „How Mankind can easily transform into future.“-



Smart people think, develop and act – stupid people blame others for their mistakes;
but as long as capitalism, money and power is basic goal of mankind, nothing will change ever!

Stopp caring of symptoms – start solving causes!



World is changing

by resources, temperature, climate, ‚Carbon Dioxid‘, methane, humidity, sun eruptions, earth magnetic field, astronomical dangers, vulcano disruption etc.

Same say causes are man made, others say causes are part of earths evolution,
but nevertheless who is wrong or right – much money is made of the symptoms/consequences by the same perpetrator who exploit our planet till today.

Here is Germany, our politicians break all rules to transform people (2022-2025), society, economy to WEF-sect ideology of so called „Agenda 2030“ according to known dystopia like George Orwells „1984“ or Aldous Huxley’s „Brave new world“, where people are permanently controlled by digital forces; e.g.  via „social credit system“ (see China), digital money (see new digital Euro in Germany), ridiculous laws by politicians (see Germans „Heizungsgesetz“), artificial inflation + prices, guide streams of emigrants, international wars etc. … to de-humanise people …and finally life!

…but if you survey astronomy and earth history the situation looks different to today’s media shown situation…



Smart people realize projects together with people to change present and future … for all mankind,

Stupid people realize projects without people to change present and future … to their goals,

Aim must be knowledge for all people world wide, to change present and future – together!



Basics goals

  • Developing Architecture and Environment world wide in synergy
  • Developing Agriculture and Environment world wide in synergy
  • Developing Technology and Environment world wide in synergy
  • Developing Economy and Environment world wide in synergy
  • Developing Health and Environment world wide in synergy
  • Developing Politics world wide in synergy with people

Basic solutions

  • Stopping overexploitation of the planet
  • Stopping CO2-Certifications („discharge note„)
  • Stopping talking only – start caring + acting
  • Stopping propaganda and disinformation of people via media
  • Stopping toxic chemicals (pesticides, toxic building material/products ..)
  • Re-nature faults of the past (straighten rivers, paving of cities, using pesticides ..)
  • Growing more plants world wide to bind CO2, which change temperature + humidity
  • Growing more plants to bind water in soil
  • Growing Permaculture and organic areas
  • Growing own organic vegetables, herbs etc. for healthy diet
  • Growing education and knowledgement
  • Growing health (environmental health, orthomolecular medicine, ..)

Locale solutions

There is nothing to develop new – currently some countries still work on solutions and I will show you how easily people can survive, without incapacitate people!

  • „Egypt“ – „New Delta Project“ …renature desert for planting food by recycled sewage water, Nile water and groundwater + „Hydroponig“ …controlled indoor planting
  • „Kuweit“ – „Umm Al-Hayman Project“ …worldwide greatest sewage treatment plant to recycle sewage water for agriculture and drinking water 
  • „Saudi-Arabia“ – „Die Wüste Saudi-Arabien ist Nicht Das, Was Wir Dachten!“ (German only) – Quelle und (c):

If you like to participate on this project or have other international examples in other countries all over the planet, please be so kind and send me the link or the story for publication here – it must me known all over the globe, that there are people working on solutions and not sowing fear and panic only (like in Germany till today)!

Lets Re-Birth.Earth together!


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Bauen & Gesundheit
„Gesunde Räume – Gesunde Menschen“
Holistischer Service in Baubiologie, Architektur & Gesundheit

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