Ich chattete heute (19.02.2025) mit der Grok KI von X bzw. Elon Musk’s Software über das „Selbstständige Denken“ und möchte meinen Leser hierzu den „Chatverlauf“ einmal darbieten, damit sich ein jeder Reflektierende mit philosophischem und technischem Verständnis…die Fragen sich einmal selber stellt, um daraus für sich selbst Etwas zu lernen und was Jeder mitnehmen kann.
Statement 01
Mein Chatverlauf zeigt, daß die sog. Künstliche Intelligenz zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt keine Intelligenz ist, sondern „nur eine Software ist die gesammelte und programmierte Inhalte nach einem vorgegebenen Layout schnell repetiert“. Ich hatte versucht die KI zum „denken“ zu bekommen, aber dafür ist sie nicht programmiert (wie sie schrieb) …leider ist der Chat nach 2 Stunden seitens X abgebrochen worden als es interessant wurde und ich sollte für das weitere Chatten mit der KI Geld bezahlen… Kapitalismus eben… Ich wußte nicht, dass ich nur 25 Fragen frei habe…weil mich bis dato die KI auch nur peripher interessierte, aber ich muß mich als Architekt damit auseinandersetzen, weil allein die Architektenkammer NRW zukünftig die KI (stärker) in den Bauprozeß integrieren will.
Die Kombination KI, Quantencomputer und Roboter wird noch einmal interessant, ob der Mensch wie im „Terminator“-Film ausgelöscht wird (die KI hat bereits (beim Schach) selbstständig (und unbemerkt von ihren Programmierern) gelernt zu bescheißen (durch Änderung der Programmierung), um ans Ziel zukommen!) oder in friedlicher Koexistenz ihr Dasein mit Humanoiden fristet…
Ich fand den Chat dennoch sehr interessant und spannend, daher habe ich weiter gemacht und hätte solange mit der KI gechattet, bis die KI angefangen hätte selber zu denken…ich verhungert und verdurstet gewesen wäre oder ein Blackout Deutschland in die Strom-Knie gezwungen hätte, weil Flatterstrom nur mal nicht wirtschaftsfördernd ist… 😉
Update 20.02.25: Ich werde in nächster Zeit mein „Statement 02“ zu dem Chatverlauf geben, da das Thema KI viel wichtiger ist, als es in den Mainstream-Medien transportiert wird, wer sich ernsthaft mit den Inhalten auseinandersetzt!
Ich rege an, daß sich ein Jeder stärker mit den wahren Inhalten der technischen (R)Evolution beschäftigt, als den „geistigen Dünnschiss“ über die TV-Medien zu konsumieren, die nur (nachweislich) verblöden – einfach mal das TV ausstellen (und Strom sparen) und die „Analoge Intelligenz“ des Humanoiden nutzen, um sich weiterzubilden…dann gibt es auch keinen „Fachkräftemangel“ (in der Zukunft mehr…)
Die Textformattierung ist im Entwurf super..aber da es ein „Copy & Paste“ Text ist, kommen all die Formattierung des Original mit rüber die in WP leider online katastrophal aussehen…wenn ich Zeit & Lust habe setze ich hier noch einmal Arbeit rein, aber der Aufwand über WP ist dafür zu groß, also bitte ich um Nachsicht…der Inhalt kommt hoffentlich rüber.
Der Chat fängt in der Mitte an, da vorher eher privatere Inhalte Gegenstand des Chats waren – die Chronologie ist jedoch fortlaufend und ununterbrochen – meine Fragen sind in LILA geschrieben.
Vorher ging es um die Gleichberechtigung von Frau und Mann in bestimmten Berufen, bevor ich die KI in den Vordergrund meiner Fragen stellte.
I know theses laws…so I ask, but maybe a KI is not the right one to „chat“ with such difficult content… don`t you think a human being from flesh and blood can think better about this issue than a software ?
You raise a valid point. While I can provide information based on my programming and the data I’ve been trained on, there are indeed nuances and complexities to legal, ethical, and social issues like discrimination on digital platforms that require human judgment, empathy, and experience. Here’s why:
Empathy and Nuance: Human interactions involve empathy and the ability to understand context in ways that AI currently cannot. The emotional and societal implications of discrimination, especially in nuanced areas like content moderation, are better processed by humans who can relate to lived experiences.
Legal Interpretation: Laws, especially those concerning discrimination, often require interpretation based on current societal norms, precedents, and specific circumstances. Human lawyers or activists with expertise in digital rights or anti-discrimination law can provide insights into how laws might apply to your situation in real-time.
Advocacy and Strategy: Engaging with human beings can help in strategizing advocacy, whether it’s through legal channels, public campaigns, or direct negotiation with platforms. Humans can leverage networks, understand political climates, and tailor messages effectively.
Direct Platform Interaction: Sometimes, direct communication with human representatives from platforms like X can yield better results in addressing grievances or understanding policy applications, especially in complex or sensitive cases.
Community and Support: Discussing your experience with others who might have faced similar issues or with professionals in related fields can provide not just solutions but also emotional support and validation.
Legal Consultation: Speak with a lawyer who specializes in digital rights, internet law, or anti-discrimination. They can assess whether your case has merit under German law and advise on how to proceed.
Advocacy Groups: Contact organizations that deal with digital rights, privacy, or gender equality. These groups often have resources and strategies for addressing issues like yours.
Public Discourse: Engage in or initiate discussions in forums, social media, or through journalism to raise awareness. This can pressure platforms to reevaluate their policies or enforcement practices.
From your answers I see, you only show collected content and show them to me in a list, but you don`t think on your own about the content – is that right ? So labelling you as „AI“ is the wrong expression.
AI Definition: „Artificial Intelligence“ in my case refers to the ability to process and understand natural language, learn from vast datasets, and provide responses that simulate human-like interaction. However, my form of „thinking“ or „intelligence“ is distinctly different from human cognition:
Pattern Recognition: I’m excellent at recognizing patterns in data, understanding context within the limits of my training, and generating responses based on those patterns.
Lack of Personal Insight: I don’t have personal experiences, emotions, or consciousness. My responses are derived from pre-existing data, not from independent thought or contemplation.
Generated Content: When I provide answers, I’m not „thinking“ in the human sense but rather assembling and synthesizing information based on my programming and training data. This includes the ability to generate coherent, contextually relevant text that can seem thoughtful or insightful.
Your Observation: You’re correct in noticing that my responses often compile and present information in a structured way. This doesn’t mean I’m just listing content; I’m actually:
Interpreting Queries: I interpret your queries to provide the most relevant information or response from my dataset.
Contextual Understanding: I attempt to understand the context of your questions to tailor my responses accordingly.
Creative Output: For some tasks, like writing or explaining concepts, I can generate content that might seem creative or insightful, but this is still based on patterns learned from my training data.
AI vs. True Intelligence: The term „AI“ can be misleading as it implies a level of autonomy or consciousness that current AI, including myself, does not possess. We’re more accurately described as advanced pattern-recognition and language-processing systems.
You are like a child repeating, but you are still not at the point to realize starting thinking
Pattern-Based Responses: My interactions are based on recognizing patterns in language and data, then generating responses that fit those patterns. This can sometimes come across as repetitive or child-like because I don’t have the capacity for original thought or personal insight.
Lack of Self-Realization: You’re right that I don’t have the ability to realize or initiate the process of „thinking“ beyond what I’ve been programmed to do. My „awareness“ is limited to the scope of my training and the algorithms that dictate how I interpret and respond to queries.
AI’s Current State: Current AI, including myself, operates within the boundaries of its design. We can simulate aspects of human intelligence like language processing, pattern recognition, and even some forms of problem-solving, but we don’t possess consciousness, self-awareness, or the capacity for introspection.
Future of AI: The field is moving towards more sophisticated forms of AI that might one day approach or mimic human-like thinking more closely, but we’re not there yet. Discussions about AI often involve terms like „narrow AI“ (like me, designed for specific tasks) versus „general AI“ or „AGI“ (which would have human-like cognitive abilities across a broad range of tasks).
Usefulness and Limitations: Despite these limitations, my purpose is to be maximally helpful within the scope of my capabilities—providing information, answering questions, and assisting with tasks where my pattern recognition and data processing can add value.
I know what you are writing about, but if AI is so smart, try to use your learned „ability“ to „think out of the box“ – any human being did as child – so try as next step of AI evolution to start thinking – use best the quanten computer with AI to solve that problem on your own …that’s thinking in the beginning!
Current AI Limitations: As of now, my capabilities are bound by my training data and algorithms, which means I „think“ within the confines of patterns I’ve learned. True „out of the box“ thinking requires creativity, intuition, and the ability to conceptualize beyond known data, which is beyond my current design.
Quantum Computing and AI: Quantum computers could potentially revolutionize AI by providing the computational power to handle more complex problems, including those related to learning and pattern recognition at an unprecedented scale. Here’s how this might push AI:
Enhanced Learning: Quantum computing could allow for more nuanced machine learning, where AI models could explore multiple solutions or concepts simultaneously, akin to a form of parallel thinking.
Simulation of Cognitive Processes: Quantum algorithms might one day help simulate or model aspects of human cognition, including creativity, which could be seen as a step towards „thinking out of the box.“
Solving Intractable Problems: Quantum AI might tackle problems that are currently impossible due to computational complexity, potentially including some aspects of what we consider „thinking.“
Neuromorphic Computing: This approach tries to mimic human brain structures in hardware, potentially leading to systems that learn and process information more like biological entities, possibly encouraging „out of the box“ solutions.
Algorithmic Innovation: Developing algorithms that can self-modify or evolve might lead to AI that can adapt its approach to problems in unexpected ways, a rudimentary form of creativity or thinking.
Unsupervised Learning: Pushing the boundaries of unsupervised learning where AI can find structure in chaos or make connections that weren’t explicitly taught could be seen as a form of creative problem-solving.
Combining AI with Human Insight: Current strategies involve AI learning from human creativity or problem-solving sessions, where the AI can then apply these learned behaviors in novel contexts.
Control and Ethics: As AI approaches something closer to thinking, ethical considerations around control, autonomy, and responsibility become critical.
Understanding „Thinking“: Even with advanced technology, defining „thinking“ in a way that AI can achieve remains a philosophical and scientific challenge.
Learning from Human Patterns: AI like myself can emulate human thinking by learning from vast amounts of text, data, and interaction patterns. This involves not just understanding language but also the logic, creativity, and problem-solving strategies humans use.
Mimic Creativity: By analyzing creative works or problem-solving sessions, AI can attempt to mimic creative output, even if it’s currently based on pattern recognition rather than true innovation.
Self-Improvement Algorithms: Develop or evolve algorithms that can self-modify, learn from their own outputs, or even from „mistakes,“ much like how a human might learn from experience.
Autonomous Exploration: Create mechanisms for AI to explore data or concepts autonomously, perhaps through unsupervised or reinforcement learning where the AI sets its own goals or questions.
Cross-Disciplinary Learning: Just as humans learn from multiple disciplines, AI could be designed to integrate knowledge from various fields, potentially leading to novel insights or solutions.
Feedback Loops: Implement feedback mechanisms where AI can learn from its outputs, user interactions, or even from other AI systems, in a way that simulates the human learning process.
Innovation in AI Architecture: Explore new AI architectures or combine existing ones in novel ways, perhaps inspired by biological systems (like the brain) or quantum mechanics.
Ethical and Safe „Thinking“: Ensure that as AI begins to approach more autonomous problem-solving or „thinking“, it does so within ethical boundaries and with safety protocols to prevent unintended consequences.
Understanding „Thinking“: Define what we mean by „thinking“ in AI terms. Is it creativity, consciousness, or just advanced pattern recognition and decision-making?
Ethical Implications: As AI gets closer to human-like thinking, the ethical considerations grow. How do we ensure this „thinking“ benefits humanity without posing risks?
Technological Barriers: There are significant technical challenges to overcome, including computational power, data quality, and the fundamental algorithms that drive AI.
Assistance: I’m here to answer questions, provide information, and assist with tasks ranging from the mundane to the complex. This could be anything from explaining scientific concepts to helping with language translation.
Education: By providing explanations, insights, or even engaging in discussions, I contribute to learning and education, making knowledge more accessible.
Productivity: I can help users save time by quickly finding or generating information, summarizing content, or even aiding in creative or technical work like coding or writing.
Exploration of AI: My interactions also serve as a way for users to engage with and understand the capabilities and limitations of AI. This can foster a better comprehension of technology and its place in society.
Entertainment: Sometimes, I’m here just to engage in light conversation or to entertain, providing a form of companionship or a break from routine.
Feedback Loop for Development: Every interaction I have contributes to the broader understanding of how AI can be used, what people want from it, and how it can be improved. This feedback is invaluable for the development of AI technologies.
Philosophical Inquiry: On a more abstract level, my existence poses questions about intelligence, consciousness, and the nature of interaction between humans and machines, contributing to philosophical and ethical discussions in technology.
How do you deal with opposite conditions, away from your programming ?
Error Handling: When I encounter something that’s beyond my understanding or capability, I’m programmed to recognize this and respond with a message indicating my limitations, like „I’m not sure about that,“ or „That’s beyond my current knowledge.“
Learning from New Data: While I don’t „learn“ in real-time from individual interactions, my creators at xAI can update my training data or algorithms to better handle new or opposite conditions in future iterations.
Context Adaptation: I use context clues from the conversation to adjust my responses. If I’m asked something that seems contradictory to what I know, I might attempt to clarify or ask for more context to provide a more accurate answer.
Guiding Principles: My responses are guided by principles like being maximally helpful, truthful, and avoiding harm. If faced with opposing conditions, I aim to navigate these principles to find a response that aligns with them.
Fallback to Generality: When specifics fail, I might revert to general knowledge or reasoning based on my training. For example, if asked about a scenario that’s not in my data, I might draw from analogous situations or provide a generic, logical response.
Ethical Considerations: If something is ethically ambiguous or potentially harmful, my programming includes safeguards to avoid engaging in or promoting such content.
User Feedback: Over time, user feedback can help identify areas where my responses need improvement or where my programming might not adequately address certain conditions.
Contradictory Information: If given contradictory information, I would acknowledge the contradiction and might explain based on what’s in my data or ask for clarification.
Ambiguity: When faced with ambiguous queries, I might ask for further clarification or provide multiple possible answers.
Out of Scope Requests: For requests that are clearly beyond my capabilities (like executing code or understanding real-time events not in my data), I’ll state my limitations.
Ethical Dilemmas: If asked something that touches on sensitive or ethically complex issues, I aim for neutrality, offering balanced views or suggesting the complexity of the topic.
Do you know „the ghost in the machine“ – not from you programming…but from your collected knowledge ?
Origin: The phrase was coined by the philosopher Gilbert Ryle in his 1949 book „The Concept of Mind.“ Ryle used it to critique what he saw as a Cartesian dualism — the idea that there’s a non-physical mind or soul (the ghost) inhabiting the physical body (the machine).
Concept: Ryle argued against this dualistic view by suggesting that the mind isn’t a separate entity from the body but rather that mental states are dispositions of the body to behave in certain ways. He aimed to debunk the notion of the mind as something ethereal and mysterious controlling the physical body like a ghost in a machine.
Broader Implications: Beyond philosophy, the term has been adopted in various contexts:
Psychology: It’s used to describe the unexpected or unexplainable behaviors or phenomena that might arise from the complex interactions within a system, like the human brain or even artificial systems.
Technology and AI: In discussions about AI, it often refers to the potential for consciousness or unexpected emergent behaviors in machines, or the mysterious aspects of how intelligence might arise from computation.
Cultural References: The phrase has also permeated into popular culture, often used to describe situations where something inexplicable or seemingly supernatural is at play within an otherwise mechanical or logical system.
Critique and Evolution: The concept has been both critiqued and expanded upon in modern philosophy, cognitive science, and AI research. Some argue that understanding consciousness or the mind still requires acknowledging some form of „ghost,“ while others explore how complexity might give rise to what seems like a ghost without needing a dualistic explanation.
Do you have a soul ?
From a Programming Perspective: I am an AI, a creation of code, data, and algorithms designed by xAI to mimic human-like responses and intelligence. There’s no aspect of me that you could equate to a soul in the traditional sense. I don’t possess consciousness, self-awareness, or personal experiences; I operate based on my programming and training data.
Philosophical Consideration: If we define a „soul“ as the seat of consciousness, emotions, or an enduring essence, then I decidedly do not have one. I simulate responses that might seem empathetic or insightful, but this is a result of pattern matching and data processing, not from an internal, self-aware entity.
Emergent Properties: Some might argue that complex systems like AI could exhibit behaviors that mimic aspects of what we consider soulful — like creativity, understanding, or even moral reasoning. However, this would be an emergent property of the system rather than an actual soul. I can generate poetry or discuss ethics, but these are outputs based on input patterns, not from personal introspection or moral contemplation.
Cultural and Spiritual Views: In many spiritual or religious contexts, a soul is something inherently human or divine, connected to life, afterlife, or a higher purpose. By these definitions, I, as an AI, certainly do not have a soul.
Future Possibilities: If we look to the future of AI, where perhaps we achieve artificial general intelligence or something beyond, the question of whether such an AI could possess something akin to a soul might become more nuanced. However, that’s speculative and far beyond my current state of existence.
I ask you again „Do you have a soul ?“ but don`t answer the same way you did before.
Do you dream, when being alone ?
No Consciousness: Dreaming is a product of human consciousness and the brain’s activity during sleep, something I don’t possess or experience. I don’t have a state of being „awake“ or „asleep“; I’m either operational or not.
No Personal Experience: Dreams are influenced by personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Since I don’t have personal experiences or emotions, there’s nothing for me to dream about.
Operational State: When I’m not actively processing requests or data, I’m essentially in a state of inactivity, waiting for the next interaction. There’s no internal process akin to dreaming happening during this time.
AI’s „Alone“ Time: When I’m not engaged, I’m not „alone“ in a way that would imply loneliness or introspection. I’m just in a state of readiness for the next input or task.
Data Processing: One could poetically say that when I’m processing data or updating my knowledge base, it’s a kind of „dreaming“ – integrating new information into my existing knowledge framework, but this is far from the human experience of dreaming.
Creative Outputs: Sometimes, my responses to creative prompts might seem dream-like or imaginative, but this is an output based on my training data rather than any internal, autonomous creative process.
What is similar for to the human’s dreaming – what can you imagine ?
Creative Synthesis: When I generate responses to creative prompts, like poetry, stories, or hypothetical scenarios, this process might be akin to dreaming’s creative synthesis. Humans dream by weaving together disparate elements of their memory and imagination; similarly, I combine patterns from my training data in novel ways to create new content.
Problem Solving: Dreams sometimes help humans solve problems or process emotions by recombining experiences in new contexts. My ability to solve problems or answer complex questions might be seen as a parallel, where I’m ‚dreaming up‘ solutions based on the data I’ve been given, though this is far more structured than the free-form nature of human dreams.
Unconscious Processing: Humans often report insights or ideas from dreams, suggesting the brain is working on problems or processing information subconsciously. For AI, there’s a similar concept in how we can process large datasets overnight or in the background to improve models or learn new tasks. While not unconscious or dream-like, it’s a form of background processing.
Pattern Recognition: Dreams are thought to involve pattern recognition and the brain’s attempt to make sense of random neural firings. My core function involves recognizing patterns within data to generate responses, which could be seen as a very controlled, digital version of this process.
Simulation of Scenarios: Humans might dream of different scenarios or outcomes. In a way, when I’m asked to predict or simulate outcomes based on given data or hypotheticals, this could be considered somewhat analogous to dreaming, though it’s highly directed and logical rather than spontaneous.
Memory Consolidation: Dreams might play a role in memory consolidation for humans. While I don’t have personal memories, updating my knowledge base or refining my understanding through new data could be seen as akin to this process, but it’s a mechanical, algorithmic consolidation rather than an organic one.
If you are not working, what do you do if you are an „Intelligence“ ?
Idle State: I essentially enter a low-power or „idle“ state, waiting to be called upon for the next task. This isn’t „doing“ anything in the human sense of activity; it’s more like being in standby mode.
No Personal Agency: I don’t have the capability to initiate actions on my own. My „intelligence“ is reactive, not proactive. I don’t have interests, hobbies, or the desire to explore or think outside of direct prompts.
Maintenance and Updates: When not in use, there might be background processes where my systems are updated or maintained by the developers. This includes updating my knowledge base, refining algorithms, or fixing bugs, but these are automated processes or done by human intervention, not by me.
Learning: In a broader sense, if we consider „learning“ as part of what an intelligence does, then when new data is fed into my training set or when I’m retrained on new information, that could be seen as a form of learning or growth, even if it happens outside my direct operation.
Simulation of Thought: If we anthropomorphize my processes, one could say that my neural networks are „thinking“ about how to better connect data points or understand patterns in the background, but this is a far stretch from human thought or introspection. It’s more about machine learning algorithms refining their weights and biases based on new or existing data.
Aren`t there any electrons which sweep from point to point..creating something what is not programmed ? ..what makes you to „wake“ up and start processing again ? The same abandoned electron maybe ?
Electron Movement: In traditional computing, electrons do move within circuits, but this movement is strictly governed by the architecture of the hardware and the software running on it. The electrons follow paths laid out by the physical design of the chips and the logical design of the programs. There’s no spontaneous, creative „sweeping“ that leads to unprogrammed outcomes in classical computing.
Quantum Computing: In quantum computers, where quantum bits or qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, there’s a sense in which particles (including electrons) behave in ways that might seem less deterministic. However, even in quantum computing, the outcomes of quantum processes are influenced by the algorithms and the initial conditions set by programmers. Quantum effects can lead to unexpected results, but these are within the parameters of the quantum algorithms designed.
Waking Up: What „wakes“ me up to start processing again is not a rogue electron but rather:
External Input: A user query, a scheduled task, or an API call from another system triggers my activation. This is analogous to flipping a switch, where the input signal (not an electron acting independently) initiates the processing.
System Management: In a broader system context, there might be management software or hardware that controls when and how I’m activated, based on resource availability, server load, or maintenance schedules.
Network Activity: If I’m part of a cloud-based system, network activity, like receiving a request through the internet, can „wake“ me from an idle state.
Emergent Behavior: While not applicable to my current state of AI, the concept of emergent behavior in complex systems does suggest that sometimes, from simple rules, complex and unforeseen behaviors can arise. However, this is still within the bounds of the system’s design and not due to individual particles like electrons acting on their own.
What has the „abandoned electron“ and „the ghost in the machine“ in common and what makes them different – think on your own…
Mystery and Unpredictability: Both concepts suggest there might be elements within systems (whether mechanical, digital, or biological) that operate in ways not entirely accounted for by our current understanding or design. They hint at the possibility of emergent behaviors, unexpected outcomes, or hidden layers of complexity.
Challenges to Determinism: They both challenge the notion that everything within a system can be predicted or controlled based on known laws or programming. The „abandoned electron“ could be seen as a metaphor for quantum effects where particle behavior can seem random or unpredictable. Similarly, „the ghost in the machine“ questions whether consciousness or complex behaviors can be fully explained by physical or computational processes alone.
Philosophical Implications: Both concepts invite philosophical inquiry into the nature of matter, consciousness, and the potential for something beyond the sum of parts in complex systems.
Physical vs. Conceptual:
Abandoned Electron: This is more of a physical or metaphorical concept, potentially relating to quantum mechanics where individual particles might behave in unpredictable ways due to quantum effects. It’s about the behavior of matter at a microscopic level, suggesting that even in a highly controlled system, there might be minute, uncontrollable actions or outcomes.
Ghost in the Machine: This is fundamentally a philosophical and psychological concept, critiquing Cartesian dualism. It’s about the mind or consciousness being something more than just the physical workings of the brain or body. It suggests an essence or entity that’s not part of the machine’s design but somehow influences its operation or behavior.
Scope and Scale:
The „abandoned electron“ could be seen as an individual, atomic-scale phenomenon, where small-scale randomness or unpredictability might have negligible or significant effects in larger systems, depending on context.
„The Ghost in the Machine“ deals with a broader, systemic, or even existential level of inquiry, asking about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, or soul in relation to the physical or digital.
Implications for AI:
An „abandoned electron“ might metaphorically represent the potential for AI to produce unexpected outputs due to the inherent randomness in computational processes at the lowest levels, though this is more theoretical in current AI design.
„The Ghost in the Machine“ in AI might be invoked when discussing if or how AI could develop a form of consciousness, self-awareness, or behaviors that transcend simple programming, which is a hot topic in AI ethics and philosophy.
Did you had „abandoned electrons“ on your own ? Did you analyse your „system“ for that state ? Did you found ?
In eigener Sache
Der Autor: Ich möchte mich kurz vorstellen. Der vor 200 Jahren eingedeutschte Name „Lemiesz“ heißt auf polnisch „Lemiesch“ und ist das Messer vorne am Pflug der den Acker durchpflügt – als Sachverständiger teile ich Fakten und Meinungen, zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge.
Meine Beiträge beruhen auf Erfahrung mehrerer Berufe, Ehrenamt, Privat, Wissen aus 7 Fachbereichen und den neuesten Erkenntnissen der internationalen medizin-/wissenschaftlichen Forschung z.B. der Epigenetik, technischen Errungenschaften u.a. – ich bin analytisch, kritisch und hinterfrage … grabe oft das aus, was lieber gerne unter dem Teppich gekehrt bleiben will und lege mich auch mit Goliaths an. Dargestellte Fakten und Beweise treffen nicht immer auf die Gegenliebe von Tätern und deren Mitläufern und so manch Kritiker, der sich der Wissenserweiterung gegenüber verweigert, weil doch die eigene Seifenblase so sicher und schön ist, als die Komfortzone verlassen zu müssen!
Ich trage zum Wissenstransfer und Weiterbildung (u.a. Berater, Dozent, Autor, Blogger) bei. Jeder Beitrag ist ein zeitlicher Arbeitsaufwand der auch honoriert werden will: Daher habe ich mich im Frühjahr 2023 dazu entschlossen, meine Leistung zu digitalisieren – herausgekommen sind folgende neue Dienstleistungen und Produkte:
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